Prayer of St.Columba and H.Ian

My prayer of St. Columba was posted on Wednesday morning as Hurricane Ian ambled toward the southwest Florida peninsula.  It had popped up on my FB history for that date from a few years ago. What delicious irony and a brilliant red thread of history and grace God weaves…I knew nothing of Columba…I simply save prayers and had saved that one.

He was 6th century UK monk.

“He was not only a great missionary saint who won a whole kingdom to Christ, but he was a statesman, a scholar, a poet, and the founder of numerous churches and monasteries. His name is dear to Scotsmen and Irishmen alike. And because of his great and noble work even non-Catholics hold his memory in veneration. For the purposes of controversy it has been maintained by some that St. Columba ignored papal supremacy, because he entered upon his mission without the pope’s authorization. (Perfect saint to be remembered in Florida since COVID and DeSantis!)

According to his seventh-century biographer Adomnán it is believed, the saint was a prolific worker of miracles, including raising the dead, calming wind and storm, and using a white stone from a riverbed to effect incredible cures.

Patron saint of……(ready?)……

“His identity could be best represented by showing him standing near the shell-strewn shore, with currach hard by, and the Celtic cross and ruins of Iona in the background.”(Currach: Scottish word for a small round boat made of wickerwork covered with a watertight material, propelled with a paddle)

In the life of one seeking to abide in Christ in ALL THINGS, there are no coincidences… only delightful surprises

Be thou a bright flame before me,
Be thou a guiding star above me,
Be thou a smooth path below me,
Be thou a kindly shepherd behind me,
Today – tonight – and for ever

Prayer of St. Columba