No Escape

“Every knee will bow, every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.” Perhaps it will not necessarily be by sweet fellowship and peaceful evangelism…..

Maybe God has something else in mind based on humankind’s historical unwillingness to learn any way except by the hardest……. When the end of the rope is all one has left to grip to pull oneself out of the pit, that is the point that often reveals that it is God Himself who holds the rope. If people will not yield to the will of God in peace and prosperity, will they yield to the will of God when the enemy has ransacked them and taken them into harsh and painful exile? More times than not, it has required the latter to bring about revival and peace.

Pray for those who are suffering……don’t think anyone will escape it if this continues for very long. God will step into the fracas and allow us to see his purpose in allowing it to go as far as it seems set to be going…… either through the good example that rises to take the lead and redirects the trajectory of this battle or through the horrible warning that leaves all broken and realizing what a terrible tragedy humankind itself has perpetrated. Some are quite willing to see the latter played out. They don’t fear God. They believe that they can be god and bend the will of all to their own.