“..and you will be my witnesses…”

miniThe following is a compilation of tips for writing one’s testimony that I can attest to and commend to others, having learned and gleaned through the years of witnessing to Christ’s work in my life and helping others develop an account of their Christian witness to share with others.

Dear Titus 2 Followers of Christ,  

I hope that as you have worked your program at Titus 2 and as you have reflected on your life and journey with Christ that you now are eager to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with others through the example of  your own life.  It is a privilege to serve God by showing how He has worked through His Spirit, His Word, His People, and the circumstances He has allowed in  your life to bring glory to the resurrected Savior and Lord Jesus Christ.  A. W. Tozer wrote, ” What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.”  I hope that you want people to see the real you, the one God created for a special purpose.  Your willingness to share what Jesus has done in  your life may be the first time someone gets an up-close-and-personal view of God!  He looks forward to our witness to the Fruit of the Spirit in our lives- Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self-Control and will enlarge our territory as stewards of the Kingdom of God as we become equipped to walk it out daily in trust and obedience.   


Attached is a good concise article from a prison fellowship missionary, David Peach.  And weren’t we all prisoners before Jesus Christ set us free?   Tell others:  What your life was like before Christ; how you came to know Christ; what is different about your life now; and where you believe God is leading you as you go forward from today.   Glorify God!   


Simple tips to keep in mind. 

  1. Ask the Lord to give you wisdom and guidance in preparing and presenting your testimony and thank him for the opportunity to be his ambassador to this person or group.
  2. Begin with an interesting, attention-getting sentence and close with a good conclusion. Include relevant, thought scriptures, facts and experiences that tell your story of salvation.. 
  3. Consider the audience and offer it in such a way that others will feel that they know you (as a mother, as a student, as one growing up in the church, as one who never attended church, as one with “hurts, habits, and hang ups”, etc. ).  Be authentic and sincere in all you offer in the name of Jesus Christ. 
  4. Give enough details to arouse interest but not so much that it becomes sensationalistic or overly graphic.   Remember, the emphasis is on Christ and His work, not your prior life in sin.  Note especially that graphic descriptions of activities like drug use or sexual encounters can be an emotional trigger that causes one with addictive behaviors to crave temptations.  Do not tell “war stories”, as they can be uncomfortable for listeners who have had similar experiences and are still working to overcome their own past.  References to specific drugs or methods of using are inappropriate.   We don’t want to inadvertently further educate people about substance use and abuse or cause them flashbacks and triggers. 
  5. You should have a general outline ready in your mind that will allow you to give your testimony in two or three minutes or up to an hour, if asked.  You never know when or for how long you may be called on to give a testimony in a one-on-one encounter..   Prepare for those “elevator moments” as well as for a longer opportunity that the Lord may give! 
  6. If you are the only one or the last to give a testimony, explain how one can be saved and offer a salvation prayer for those who are ready to receive Christ. 
  7. Be sure your experiences are scriptural before you share them with others. Interpret your experiences by the Word of God and not vise-versa. The Bible is our authority.  Include a few Scriptures that have been important and meaningful to you in your Christian journey.  You are more likely to remember and share convincingly the ones that have made a difference in your life! 
  8. Be lovingly enthusiastic. Let them know you  believe in what you are saying. 
  9. Speak clearly and project well, in a relaxed tone of voice. 
  10. Smile..  A smile tells a person,”I like you,” and “You’re worth smiling at.” Ask the Lord to give you a happy, radiant face. Eph. 4:15. 
  11. Avoid mannerisms when you speak, such as: rubbing your nose, playing with your ring, jingling coins in your pocket, or habits of speaking like “ummmm” or “like” too often. 
  12. Feature Christ as the key point of your story, not yourself.  Let them see Jesus in you!  
  13.  Share your outlined and prepared testimony with a few supportive, trusted godly friends before you give it in a public venue, both to practice it and to invite their helpful observations.

    Thank you for saying “Yes” to Jesus’ invitation to introduce him to others through your witness!   


“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”   Acts 1:8

Cathy Byrd

Titus 2 Partnership, Inc.


David French’s original article link is available below:
