Mentoring Toward Work-and-Worship Ordered Lifestyles

1/2/2021  reflection

What am I doing today?

THIS: Mentoring women into work-and-worship-ordered lifestyles. Today and everyday.

One of today’s take aways:
You are not what you do. God desires that you would DO what you ARE. What does the world say you are? What does God say you are?

God has created you perfectly, with all the talents, gifts, passions, and personality for what He has intended….for a purpose. You are called to live into that purpose in all you do.

Chip ingram’s parenting class today at Titus 2. Theology of work: Teach them to work ‘unto the Lord’, Included in the 5 smooth stones to put in one’s bag ( like David’s 5 smooth stones) for slaying giants in life…… your child’s or your own.