When Testing Comes

Here’s another “ponderable” that arose from a conversation today….One person has stated that “life is a test” and she sees everything through the lens of being tested. I asked if she felt the tests were from the devil or from God. “God.” If she views everything in life through the lens of a test, then at least she has given the best answer for where that test is coming from. Okay, then, if the test is coming from God, you may rest assured that God will not let you fail. if you “score” poorly, he’ll give you another opportunity. God is a god of “do-overs.” If you think he will punish you for giving your best effort even if it results in failure, you really don’t know much about God’s goodness, his sovereignty, or the power of redemption. As long as we are sincere and are honestly trying to live into our Christian life, God will keep working with us to assure that we get all that he wants us to learn from the “tests.” So there is no need for anxiety or fear of failure with God. Just as he assumed all responsibility for meeting the requirements of the be’rit covenant with Abraham in putting Abraham into a deep sleep and walking the covenant sacrifice himself instead of requiring that of Abraham, so he assumes full responsibility for getting us where he has intended for us to be…. and IT HAS ALREADY BEEN DONE THROUGH CHRIST!. We just have to believe in Christ and be faithful one day at the time to do the best we can with what we know, trusting God’s timing and purpose in our lives. I prefer to think that, while there are some tests along the way, for the most part, we are intended to journey in peace and assurance that God has got this and simply trust him and enjoy being with him in it.  (CBB July 15,2018)