Progression Toward “Strongholds”

Be careful what you allow into your heart and mind:

Progression Toward a “Stronghold”:

Impression—> Obsession—> Oppression——> Possession

One seldom realizes she is in the grasp of something until after it’s too late to easily and safely escape unscathed.

Our culture is full of people and concepts vying for one’s attention. If one has no “guard” over her heart, as called to do by the Bible, then she is wide open to what may appear to be harmless fascinations…..until they are intertwined into her heart and mind and then, when it has insinuated itself into her beliefs, identity, and passion it will likely persist, even if it becomes self-injurious or harmful to others whom she loves.

Cases in point about things that can snare: 50 Shades of Grey and similar sensuously titilating and pornographic entertainment,, “recreational use” of drugs, smoking (even in pregnancy or with children present), “harmless” flirting with men other than one’s spouse, small lies about one’s past or one’s accomplishments, drinking daily with friends after work…..We can all think of other things to add to the list, I expect.