Papal Proclamation on “Church”

In the Pope’s General Address in St. Peter’s Square yesterday, (This post was originally written 6/26/2014) he pointed out the necessity of connection with church…..”We have seen that God gathered a people to himself in the Old Testament and in the fullness of time sent his Son to establish the Church as the sacrament of unity for all humanity. God calls each of us to belong to this great family. None of us become Christians on our own; we owe our relationship with God to so many others who passed on the faith, who brought us for Baptism, who taught us to pray and showed us the beauty of the Christian life: our parents and grandparents, our priests, and religious teachers. But we are Christians not only because of others, but together with others. Our relationship with Christ is personal but not private; it is born of, and enriched by, the communion of the Church. Our shared pilgrimage is not always easy: at times we encounter human weakness, limitations and even scandal in the life of the Church. Yet God has called us to know him and to love him precisely by loving our brothers and sisters, by persevering in the fellowship of the Church and by seeking in all things to grow in faith and holiness as members of the one body of Christ.”

I have been nurtured in the church and am a strong advocate for church participation….whatever your choice of denomination….It is God’s plan for the building of His kingdom on earth. I had this conversation with someone just this morning who called about some personal issues. Are you involved in a personal, connected, accountable, community of faith where you can “know and be known, love and be loved, admonish and be admonished, celebrate and be celebrated, serve and be served?” If not, you’re only going to keep hearing the same broken record from me. You can’t expect God’s blessings if you’re not being faithful and steadfast to one of the key instruments of God’s blessings in your life…..His church!

It would be a little like me expecting to win the lottery when I never buy a ticket…. There are a few things one can’t do all alone….be married and being a faithful Christian are two of them…. Both require steadfast commitment to staying in relationship. Remember that Christ said there are 2 parts to the Great Commandment- Love God and Love One Another. In describing how to do that we are told again and again in the Scripture to do things that require us to be in community with one another… not forsake gathering together as some have done…..  6/26/2014