Days Of Our Lives

I’ve received two small calendars in the mail with Christmas cards. I love calendars! My youngest granddaughter asked for a special day book calendar and pen for her birthday. It delighted me to order it for her! In a time of my life in which one day seems so much like another, and there are fewer and fewer appointments to remember, it’s easy to get disoriented to day and date. My life has lost a lot of rhythm and routine without Bill. I found myself this morning right after I awoke jogging my memory, before I even got out of bed, reminding myself of today’s day and date. It is something I find more and more necessary. Then I remember that God has numbered all of my days. I can simply rise to the day’s adventure and leave that to Him. Still it is nice to stay attuned to the turning of the leaves of my life’s calendar pages….. to be intentional in cherishing each one.  (12/10/2020)