A Christian testified in a meeting about God’s work in healing her vision. Interestingly, a Christian teacher who was present added that there had been several instances of healing eyes in her ministry recently. This past weekend in Sunday School a teacher had been talking about God and LIGHT. In noting that light brings clarity and reveals what could not be seen in the darkness, it was observed that when Saul saw the LIGHT of CHRIST on the Damascus Rd., he was immediately blinded. As I thought about that experience of Paul whose physical eyes were blinded by the LIGHT as he was being given spiritual “eyes” with which to see the truth, it made me realize that God sometimes has to restrain our physical senses, at least temporarily as was done with Paul, because they get in the way of our being able to fully rely on him and our spiritual senses. (Reminded: We walk by faith, not by sight!!!) We have to resist the temptation of rely on what we see, hear, feel, etc. in the physical because we tend to rely too much on those senses. When we learn to distrust our natural physical senses, which can be deceived, we can learn to depend upon our spiritual senses and trust God’s guidance more fully.
Blinded By The Light So That We May See