Jesus, Lover of My Soul

Friday 5/15/20 My first image upon opening my computer was a lovely view of the cosmos that I discovered was the Rosette Nebula. I usually don’t look twice at those opening pictures on my computer but this captured my attention. As I looked at it I felt God clearly imprint in my mind…… “This is for you.” Huh? A rose…. For me? “Yes.” So I looked up information about the Rosette Nebula. There were several clear indicators that led me to know for certain that God was speaking to me through this image. It spoke to me of the great creative power of God’s mind and his will and the assurance of his presence with me. I cannot give you more details than that. As I sat there smiling to myself and enjoying that moment with the Lord, a song began to play in my head. I knew the tune and most of the words. I looked it up and I could hear Frank Sinatra’s voice singing in my mind, as I had many times growing up:

Fly me to the moon
Let me play among the stars
Let me see what spring is like
On Jupiter and Mars
In other words: hold my hand
In other words: baby, kiss me
Fill my heart with song
And let me sing for ever more
You are all I long for
All I worship and adore
In other words: please, be true
In other words: I love you
Fill my heart with song
Let me sing for ever more
You are all I long for
All I worship and adore
In other words: please, be true
In other words, in other words: I love you

How about that for a sweet start to the day? I am loved by the Creator of the Universe and there is a little corner in heaven where we shared a song this morning. There is no way I am creative enough to make this stuff up. God finds a way to enter into my day in some of the sweetest, most unexpected ways. Jesus, The Lover of My Soul knows, loves, celebrates, admonishes, and serves me in ways that no one else ever could.

Some of you may say this is crazy, but I want you to know this is what relationship with Christ is like when you set out to love the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength and you believe his Word and desire to do his will and believe that nothing is impossible with Christ. He begins to enter into this realm with you in ways you have never known before. He’s done it with me with increasing frequency and intimacy over the years. When John said that if all the things Jesus did were written down there would not be enough books in all the libraries of the world to hold it all, he was not kidding. I have had to quit writing daily journals. I facebook some things, but most people would not believe the things I share. I put some on my weblog…..I save some in a computer folder. Some I share with a few friends and with the Titus. 2 ladies. And some I just treasure in my heart. Tell your Jesus stories.