Kitty Years

I saw this post today on social media “Memories”….

(From 8/31/2012 CBB)

“We have a little one-eyed kitty we adopted in January of this year named Minnie. She got an injury to the cornea of her good eye and has been at the veterinarian now for a week in an attempt to preserve her sight. She is a sweet little girl and we hope that Dr. Bo’s efforts are successful. Is it okay to pray for healing for a kitty? I think so. She’s part of our family. I have a friend who had a blind cat for four years and she has encouraged me and told me that, even if Minnie loses her remaining eye, we can help her live a good life.”

I had not been sure just how old Minnie is. She is still with me now, 4 years after Bill’s death here on 2024. She was two years old when we got her so she is 14! She still has her good eye. Seems happy and content, though quite rotund.

From 9/5/2012:

“Poor little one-eyed Minnie is going to have surgery on the cornea of her good eye tomorrow in an additional attempt to remedy the infection. Then her eye lid will be sewn together for about 10 days in an attempt to help it heal. I can only imagine how frightening that is going to be for the little girl. I hate to think that this temporary blindness may become permanent, if it doesn’t heal.”