Letter to My Pastor: Communion and Vision for the Church 9-29-19

Sun 9/29/2019 3:44 PM
To: Pastor Terry Tatum
From: Cathy Byrd

This is the article I was referencing as we talked at church today about Communion.


The Mystery and Glory of Communion with God – Wesleyan Covenant Association
The Rev. Dr. Carolyn Moore is the founding and lead pastor of Mosaic United Methodist Church in Evans, Georgia. She serves as the vice-chairwoman of the Wesleyan Covenant Association Council.

Also, here’s my blog post about what I told you about communion earlier in September. I didn’t put in there that I was praying about reaching more people and feeling a sense of time growing short and there being so much more harvest yet to gather, but too few workers……. asking God what he would have me do to further prepare others to disciple. He simply asked me who equipped me? I said, “You did.” He said, “Teach them as I taught you. Teach them the Word. I’ll do the rest.”

It was so simple. It was so reassuring. It had me laughing and crying in my prayer. That IS the work of the Holy Spirit within us! I have experienced it so many times. I have taught others through the years to simply trust God to work that way in their own hearts and minds, as they grow in knowledge and understanding of the Word. The wisdom in how to use and apply it will come from God. It’s not as hard as we make it. Cloistered at Titus 2, away from the distractions of their daily lives, our ladies begin to sense God’s presence, hear his voice and experience him in ways that seem extraordinary and miraculous at first, but the more they get to know God, the more comfortable they become letting God draw near and reveal himself as very present, very aware of them and their lives. It is a beautiful thing to see. They just need some encouragement, some examples, someone to share their joy and thoughts with. It is a one on one experiencing of God that grows their faith beyond anything your or I could ever do preaching or teaching. It no longer surprises me what God can do. It is not a secret. But it does still catch me by surprise regularly …… and joyously so!

Bless God

Bless God – Seeking Christ in the World – disciplerofself.com
On Sunday, September 8, 2019, during communion time, as I prayed I had a vision of me bowing before the throne of God.  www.disciplerofself.com


Terry, In 1993, we were members at St. Andrew UMC. I was a newly born again Christian at 39 years old, though I’d been a churchian all my life. I overheard a woman there telling another woman in the kitchen, with tears in her eyes, “No one has a relationship with the Lord like I do!” I was standing about 15 feet away. I was a little shocked and offended by her remark. I remember thinking, “Who does she think she is….. some holy saint or the mother of Jesus reincarnated?? Who would dare to think such a way?” Years later I understood. That is EXACTLY the kind of unique relationship that Christ desires….AND OFFERS….. to each of us. It seems beyond belief, but that is the beauty and majesty of our omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient loving personal immanuel creator God! It is a mind-blower when you finally grasp it and you want the whole world to know….and not just know, but receive this gift of His Presence and Power! AND THEY CAN!

So simple. So gracious. So free. It makes me realize it can’t simply be that we are that inept at doing evangelism and missions and just doing it all wrong….God simply is not yet ready. But, Terry, I honestly and sincerely believe He is getting very close! He has as much as told me so! But I don’t believe I have any special insights, just relying on his promises in Scripture. I hope to live another 20-30 years and I don’t pretend to think it’s even going to be in my lifetime….. but I think that even in that short time we are going to see some remarkable changes! Things that are going to make believers, even some NON-believers, go, ” WOW! It can only be God!”

I’m excited. I’m hopeful. And I want to continue to be a part of moving in that direction. In fact, I believe that I and all other followers of Christ are supposed to be doing exactly that, with a sense of urgency…… preparing for his return with joyful anticipation, however long it takes. I want to live until my dying breath believing it could be any day. I want my grandchildren to know that is my expectation and I long to be prepared daily for just such an occasion and, if it doesn’t come, that I will be leaving behind as many as I can who will keep the flames burning for those who have yet to hear, understand, and obey.

In Feb 1997, St. Andrew UMCs staff/parish committee demanded that the pastor at the time be removed in part because of his evangelical on-point teaching of the Word (liberal bunch of academics that I perceived the congregation to be.). They did not like his teaching on Romans ( homosexuality, being included as it was!) I stood before them and told them that they could attempt to snuff out revival if they wanted to, but it would come, whether they wanted it or not. 20 years later I felt like I was still fighting the same battle with the Ordination Committee in 2017 when I had to say I’d had all the jerking around I was going to take by the progressives and walked out, knowing full well the entire three years’ battle had never been about me, but about a much larger battle “in the heavenlies” that God had shown me on the day of the first interview in 2014 when I sat in the first interview. It was surrealistic. But God would not give me the freedom to walk away during those three years, although I knew in 2014 in my heart that unless The UMC turnaround came quickly, I’d never be ordained there. He wanted me in the battle close up and first hand, to see what it was costing the Body of Christ. It strengthened my intercession and clarified the cause of Christ. And while it still remains to be seen how the Traditional Plan will play out, I am feeling somewhat vindicated in knowing that God has been faithful in all that he showed me and all that he said to me about how things were going to go….. not for me personally (at least as far The UMC and ordination) but as far as a revival in the Church and standing firm on the standards of The Discipline and the Doctrines that are well-rooted in Scripture from an orthodox,. evangelical posture. There have been a lot of casualties in the ranks of clergy over orthodoxy, but I no longer am as impressed with clergy, their educations, their positions….. I know that God can use the least of us on our knees to bring about changes through intercession and persevering prayer, teaching, and encouraging others to stand firm. I’m also not impressed by institutions. The UMC can come or go. It no longer matters to me. Although I’m a big fan of Wesleyan theology and Billy Abraham and Asbury and a lot of our UMC leaders, traditions and doctrine, I am a bigger fan of the Body of Christ. It is strong. It is only going to be strengthened. I have seen God’s hand at work and he shows himself to be fully in charge of the course and destination regularly. I have no fear of the future. But I am enjoying this part of the journey and hope he lets me hang out a bit longer!

Rev. Cathy Byrd, MS CRSS (Florida Certification Board #177)
Program Manager, Titus 2 Partnership, Inc.
Christian Educator and Life Recovery Counselor
P.O. Box. 35482 Panama City, FL 32412
(850) 832-4052 PHONE 1 (888) 297-2964 FAX
cbyrd@titus2partnership.org www.titus2.life

“Because we loved you so much, we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well.”
1 Thessalonians 2:8