August 27, 2024. 4:44a.m.

My eyes opened as my waking consciousness stirred from slumber. I looked toward the ceiling at the red projection of the time from the bedside clock. My Mother had given it to Bill and me as a Christmas gift at some point in the last ten or so years.

”4:44”- an auspicious moment. The peace in my spirit was confirmed. “This is the way forward. Walk in it.”

the last three and a half weeks had been a blur. Circumstances were set in place after a definitive moment . Then a blur of rapid fire decisions were presented to me. Each one of them setting in place the next one. I hardly had to think. It was as if I was on auto mode. Each decision took me further in a direction the would not have been a possibility before. God had nudged me forward one tentative step at the time and now He was saying “GO!”

I pondered the marvel of it all briefly, then turned over, smiled to myself and went back to sleep. The time on the ceiling wax 5:42. What seemed like mere moments of reflecting had been almost an hour.

Moments like that give me a tiny glimpse of the timelessness of God and and what a lifetime feels like in the context of eternity.