Dream Insights: Demonic Struggle

7/20/23- I had a very vivid and strange dream early this morning around 2:30.  When I awakened from it I thought about the details for a minute and knew I’d remember them, so I returned to sleep.

The Dream

I was in bed like I was in an inn or cabin-type guest house.. There seemed to be other cabins not too far away, and kind of all on a hillside. A child was with me, maybe between  10-14 years old…. a daughter? a granddaughter?  (or perhaps my own adolescent self?) I was aware of being my current self and wondering who was trying to get in our room at this late night hour, as I had been awakened by someone clearly trying to get in at the door. I moved toward the door and as I did a man pushed his way in.  He was no taller than me and slight and wiry. He was wearing an old white tee shirt and brown long pants. I think he was barefooted.  His face was coarse and angular, deeply lined, tanned, and leathery but clean shaven.  His mouth was a snarling frown and his eyes were deep set and dark. His ears seemed oversized for his head. Dark greasy-shiny short curls of hair stuck to his forehead and around his ears and neck.  He had a pair of rusty scissors with a blue handle in his right hand and one of the blades was broken. He was grabbing at my arms with his left hand and I was trying to move out the door dragging him with me as he held onto my arm to get him away from the child who was hiding in the bed and didn’t move. The scuffle was brief as I mentally figured my odds of keeping away from the scissors’ point.  It didn’t last long as I twisted and pulled until he and I were near the porch edge that dropped off about 6-8 feet. As we got near the edge I twisted around back toward the room door, kicked a leg out from under him and shoved him off the edge of the porch into what seemed like a mucky bog of mud. For a second it looked like quicksand swallowing him as he sank into it until he was almost covered then he began struggling to get to his feet. I ran back toward the door to secure the lock, grab the child and my phone and get locked into the bathroom.  I was aware of my pistol being with me and I grabbed the bag I keep it in as we rushed toward the bathroom. I shouted for her to dial 911 as I got the loaded gun out and got in a position in front of her and braced to shoot him if he broke through the bathroom door. That’s when I woke up.  I never saw the child’s face or heard her speak.

I remembered the dream again about midday today as I drove to Birmingham, AL for a doctor appointment. When I got to the office I wrote it down. After I wrote it down, it occurred to me that this represented a demonic attack and I think our newest 24-year-old student at Titus 2 ministry was the child. She is very petite and childlike in her behavior. In the dream she was quiet and hidden until I grabbed her, headed to the bathroom and told her to call 911. In the dream I couldn’t imagine why the man was after me, but I wanted to direct his attention away from her. I think now he was trying to get me out of the way to get to her but it was not as easy as he expected and he was poorly equipped to tangle with me!