Loose Lightbulbs In Heaven and Earth

I went to bed at 8:30, so here at 3:30 I am wide awake. I have been watching the strange lightning that has been flashing over Deerpoint Lake. It was almost like a loose light bulb in the heavens…..or the moon having a loose power plug. Very strange looking and it went on for the better part of 30 minutes or more with no sound. One could hardly even call it flashes….more like heavenly “SOS” signals being transmitted. Now I am hearing a faint distant thunder, but the flashing light show is over. There is the sound of a light rain beginning to fall. Very beautiful quiet time in the wee hours.

The Lord reminded me that sometimes our light in the world is like that……a loose bulb that is intermittent and inconsistent, not very dependable. Praying to be a better light in the world that needs more light.