Monday, Jan. 6, 2024- Conversation with a friend:
I texted my prayer partner and friend:
“Hope you slept well. Bitsy and I had a disruption. I accidentally pushed her off the bed at 3 am while dreaming. I didn’t hear a peep!
Thought I’d killed her. My bed’s high. I turned on the lamp and she was sitting there looking dumbfounded. It took her a minute to get it together. Nothing seemed broken. We snuggled back in bed and I listened for a while making sure she was breathing.”
My prayer partner friend replied:
“Oh my GOODNESS (to it ALL!) Bless Bitsy’s little heart. She may have thought SHE fell out of bed and wasn’t PUSHED! (That’s our story and we are sticking to it!)
I had a vision of our friendship this a.m.
It’s like I’m in a space capsule and you are a fellow astronaut “working” outside the ship, but tethered to me nonetheless.
Have a blessed day.”
“Awwwww……I love that dream imagery. So on target! Being “tethered” has always been the way I have conceptualized staying accountable in the Word and in key relationships, like with you!!”
Her ey:
“Okay NOW you aren’t going to BELIEVE this (yes you will) …
Check emails.”
Found in email from her moments later:
“Read below and then read the text that I sent you earlier today.
From: Susie Larson []
Sent: Monday, January 6, 2025 4:05 AM
Subject: Daily Blessings 01/06/2025
Look For His Promises. By Susie Larson on Jan 05, 2025 04:30 amToday’s BlessingMay you set your hope firmly on the God of all hope in this new year. We don’t fix our eyes on outcomes; we fix our eyes on Jesus. We don’t expect a new year to fix an old year; we count on our heavenly Father to be faithful to His promises. May you resolutely fix your eyes on Jesus, the One who started and will finish your beautiful story. Expect to be challenged, count on twists and turns, but never lose your confidence in God. UOU ARE TETHERED TO HIM, AND HE IS FULLY COMMITTED TO YOU. May a new level of faith rise up in this hour. May you hear God’s voice, may you love His Word, and may you thoroughly enjoy His presence because He thoroughly enjoys you. May your private walk with God be so rich, so real, and so powerful that whenever you encounter others, they suddenly hunger to know God for themselves. These days call for powerful prayers and fierce faith. In Christ Jesus, you are an overcomer. Hebrews 12:1-2 NLT ~ Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith. Because of the joy awaiting him, he endured the cross, disregarding its shame. Now he is seated in the place of honor beside God’s throne.” #SusieLarsonBlessings |
My reply to her:
☺️ God knows us down to every thought, word, dream, imagining, and friendship. Pat, we are truly blessed! Praying more people come into the richness of kingdom living this year……..