White As Snow…..

I visited an estate sale Friday….. just a quick walk through…I saw some pretty sets of china (I confess an attraction to and fondness for china!) ….I was reminded of a friend’s story of having a yard sale in which she was selling some white plates, not chipped or cracked, just nice plain white plates. Someone came to the yard sale and commented, “No one would buy those”, as though her declared opinion was definitive and superior to others’. Today, as I put dishes in my cabinet from the dishwasher I remembered my friend’s story of the white plates…..Obviously, I likely would have bought her white plates at the yard sale! LOL! Some of the finest restaurants around use plain white plates so that the color and visual art of their presentation can be featured. I like them because I can use various colors of other china and accessories….dessert plates, glasses, napkins, centerpieces, etc…

Just celebrating the joy of having a cabinet of white china….Johnson Brothers ironstone hexagonal plates and dessert plates, Heutchenreuther German dishwasher-safe china in the delicate Sylvia pattern just like my mother in laws best china but without the platinum band, Seltmann Weiden W. Bavarian china with pretty curved edges, and sturdy and functional Corning Corelle! Which one I reach for depends on what I’m serving and how I feel at the moment! None of it is so precious that a broken piece would cause any grief….. just pretty, clean, and visually appealing. Simple delights on a Saturday morning….. and thinking about china.

My name, “Cathy”, is rooted in a word that means “pure”. While I personally can lay no claim to any purity except that conferred by relationship to Christ, I think it does relate to my love of white linen shirts, pearls, and white china! Or maybe it’s just being raised in the South!