How I Know What I Know

Some say “You KNOW that you KNOW that you KNOW”, implying that one has certainty about knowledge acquired.

I prefer “I know WHAT I know” AND acknowledging there is much that I don’t know, can’t know and will never know! I know I am not God. I am not gifted with any unique insights. I simply know what God chooses to reveal to me in His Word, through His Holy Spirit, among the kind, loving, generous and wise people He has placed me among in the midst of circumstances He has allowed.

In short, I know God. He has made Himself known again and again through His Glory revealed in the beauty of His creation, through His miraculous redemptive power, through His love for me and all His children expressed through Christ’s life and ministry of atonement, and through the gift of His Holy Spirit with me to comfort, guide, and guard.

“In the beginning God…..”  if one does not approach God’s creation and God’s Word and one’s own sense of self with the presumption of the reality of God-  His Presence, His Sovereignty, His Goodness, and the personal and intimate nature of His Love of All Creation – one will be hindered in how much can be known that will stand the test of eternity.