Worry Sin?

Philippians 4:7 (The Message):

“It’s wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life!”

One of the ways that you know Jesus is at the center of your life is you worry less. Worry is a sign that something has replaced him as the central focus of your life.

(From Rick Warren)


Recently, a friend and I were discussing a particular Bible study by a well-known (and, at times, controversial) pastor. In the Bible study the author stated out of the gate that “worry is a sin.”. My friend and I considered that statement for a few minutes. He had also discussed it with a couple of pastors in his church. All of us took exception to a categorical statement that worry is “sin”. There are times when worry is an indicator of some sort of need for appropriate action and motivates thoughtful preparation and protection in ways that are simply prudent good sense.

I experience “worry” more in a sense of being “out of peace” in some way in my life and recognizing that a change is needed to restore a quiet spirit of peace.

It’s like a caution light or a smoke alarm, as emotions often are!

I can take inventory, connect with my conscious awareness of what has actually disturbed my peace, how deeply and for how long, and set about evaluating and adjusting in a way that eliminates the worry.

Worry allowed to ferment and stretch one’s soul to the point of breaking apart is not so much a sin as an indication of one’s inability or failure to access, cultivate, and utilize the internal and external resources that can be used to address the cause.

Oftentimes, that process involves discipline, accountability, supportive community, evaluating real versus perceived risks, and overcoming denial or avoidant behavior.

And some people prefer helplessness and avoidance, using worry to excuse not taking personal responsibility for their lives. The worry even then is not the sin. The sin is the lack of trust in God’s provision and believing that He will not meet you at the point of your need.