Google’s Pay To Play Scam

I had a GREAT BIG “aha” moment today!!!!

I have been receiving spam/phishing phone calls from Google for weeks regarding my “business listing” with Google needing an update to my “business listing.”. I have not responded to them. Today I happened to answer a call and it was them again wanting to update my business listing. I asked, “What business listing?”.

Him; “Titus 2 Partnership, Inc. Is this Titus 2?” I told him who and what Titus 2 is. “Great,” he says, “can we update your listing?” “Why?” I asked.

Him: “So people who search Google can find you,” he said.

“Is updating my business listing going to cost me something each month?”

(Pause). Him: “Well, yes.”

“So, I have to pay Google so my ministry is not hidden from those using Google as a search engine, is that right?”

Him: “Yes.”

“So. here’s the deal…. Titus 2 is a very small, very local non-profit ministry for women. Most of our ladies come to us by personal referral from someone who knows us. We don’t advertise. We trust God to bring the women He wants here. So we don’t need to update and pay for a business listing.”

Him: “Uh, ok. I’ll make a note in the file.”.

“Great. Take us off your call list,too, while you’re at it. Thank you.”

My “aha”????

Google is fashioning itself into the modern day digital version of the Yellow Pages! HaHa!

What a joke as a search engine!!!!

“Pay to play.”