Making Lists



Well, it’s now Thursday and I have managed to get through about 3/4 of the “to do” list I started out with on Monday, as well as a few additional items that got added along the way. Now that Hermine appears to be rolling in our way, other things have taken precedence and the regular weekly “to do” list has been set aside. Thankfully, few things on my list each week qualify as emergencies….just a running reminder that there is always something that can be done while waiting for a student to finish as appointment or while on the way to something or somewhere else! LOL!

Even though everything on one’s list doesn’t get done, it’s at least nice to HAVE a list, so that one is not living in a constant state of wondering, “What did I forget to do?” When I am buried, I want my kids to put a yellow legal pad page on my casket or by the urn of ashes that has a big “check mark” and says, “DONE!”