AI’s Blind Spot

Observed about social media…

You know, after all these years and as many times as I’ve written “God” you’d think my auto-correct function would anticipate and offer that as a suggested word. Yet, it never does. So if I hit the wrong keys, there the word lies…”Hod” or “Gid” ….. until I catch and correct it. I just find that ironic. That AI science can “learn” my syntax and correct so many misspellings for me but it won’t do that one. AI has a blind spot and is quite prideful, I think. One would almost think Lucifer pulls its strings! LOL! I’ve got his number, though, and I’ll keep using the tools even if he thinks he can play me or thwart me.

A friend had commented, “I’ve always wondered that myself. I think it’s on purpose.”

You think? Surely no one would be so devious. LOL! Surely they would know we could see through such juvenile antics as that.  Whether AI or its programmers want to acknowledge the truth of God or not does not matter, He is not going away.