Not Tempted

From 3/25/17

There was a day I decided that some people undertake writing a book under influences of considerably less noble motivation than I would have thought.

A young lady who’d been in recovery for a few months and whom I’d only recently met had talked a pretty good story about her born again faith. In a discussion with her I asked about some things she said about recovery and about use of crystals, reading auras, chakras, etc. She became instantly angry at my suggestion that such practices were not compatible with Christian doctrine.

She told me that even though she’d only been clean a few months she knew everything that was necessary for recovery. I asked her to tell me what she had learned. Then she said in a very strange voIce, leaning forward at me and with her eyes like darts, “I’m not telling you anything. I’m writing a book about it. You can read it in the book.”

I’m afraid at that point I laughed. We had no further conversations. I believe this young woman was under a powerful deception. If her book is ever published I don’t think it’s one I will purchase or recommend.


Today as I re-read this post I had the eerie feeling that the conversation with this individual had been set before me as a “dainty” of the devil… to tempt me to jealousy or personal desire to write a book.  It was fun to realize I have absolutely no desire in that regard.. or jealousy of another for saying she intends to.