Writing For One’s Own Joy

It happens from time to time, as it did this morning…..someone comes up to me and says, “I read what you post on Facebook” (often with an encouraging additional comment). Mostly they are names I rarely see on a comment or “like”….just silent readers. One said to me, “I don’t post, I just lurk.” That’s okay. I don’t write for the number of “likes” or the comments or the followers…..I write for me….I used to write in countless blue ledger-style journals (tucked away in an antique trunk). When I began weblogging in July 2005, I found less and less satisfaction in writing with my ink cartridge pen in a journal (mostly because of how much time it takes) and more and more satisfaction in simply typing into the weblog. Then came Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc. I don’t have the time to keep up multiple online communities, so Facebook is an easy and comfortable choice for me. I am aware that what one posts may be read by some, but mostly still I write for me. I don’t always “edit” myself and sometimes things come across differently than I intend, but even then, WYSIWYG. (What You See Is What You Get). Do I sometimes annoy people? Yes, including myself. One nice thing about Facebook is the fact that if one’s posts don’t suit another, members have tools to limit others’ intrusion into their lives. I do not wish to intrude on others. But simply write … mostly for myself.