2021: Faith. FULL

My focus word for 2020 was “grow” and as I understood God then, it was to grow in grace and obedience in all of who I am-spirit, soul, and body. Well, grow in body I certainly did, as months of COVID-19 restrictions and weeks of bereavement cloistering led to comfort cooking and eating at home. Did I grow in soul? I had to in order to make room to bear in my soul alone all that remains of my earthly love and relationship with Bill., now that his physical presence is gone. To keep him alive in my heart, my soul had to slide over and make room for him on the swing so that I could continue to feel the consolation of his being present with me within my soul. Have I grown in spirit? I’ve certainly grown in my sensitivity to the sufficiency of God’s grace through the Holy Spirit’s presence with me. I am blessed and full. The Lord showed me once again this year, both in circumstances and a very personal visual parable he has used in the past, as well, that the things of this season are not endings, just preparation for things of the next season and I will not lie fallow. Rather, I will continue to be tilled and cultivated and will receive what He plants so that I may continue to bloom where I’m planted and produce fruit for the Lord.
My word given by God for the year ahead is: “Faith.Full.” My experience is that God is a Father-Husband-Friend of few, but very succinct words…… I’ll be excited to watch as he shows me the meaning of this particular iteration of a word I have cherished and sought to communicate to others for years…….