In The Hands Of God……Sometimes Humorously and Exhilaratingly So!

I love the imagery of being “In The Hands of God”. Last night I heard that song as I was driving home from Bethlehem Family Camp in Bonifay, FL., and this morning I was reminded of  this post when it popped up on my FB. Thanks for the laugh this morning,  Pammi Jo Alsip Nevins, as I remember our conversation at your kitchen table!  ( From my Facebook post on October 22, 2016)

I have a friend that makes me laugh. She puts such fun words in God’s mouth! “MY circus, MY little monkey!” I’m feeling a little like Curious George in the hands of my Trainer !

What it feels like sometimes to be in the mighty hand of God…..not always as comfortable as one would assume, not necessarily cozied up in the arms, like an infant, against the Father’s chest. Of course, Daddy is gentler with the babies than he is with some of us who are in training for bigger things…..I think about our experience of watching the artists of Cirque de Soleil…It’s as if I’m training on the trapeze and God is the one who is catching me or launching me aloft to the next trapeze…..he has the timing down perfectly and knows exactly what to do. I, on the other hand, simply obey when he says, “Release NOW!