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Not Deterred In Obedience To Call

From Nov 21,2017……. For those who have followed my ministry in Bay County over the last 10 years and longer, I am continuing my pursuit of deacon ordination through a non-UMC route. I am studying under an Ordained Deacon Ministry program by Christian...

Deacon Calling and Roles

In April 2015 I observed a thread of Facebook posts in which deacons and prospective candidates for deacon were sharing the various places and roles they were working in service to Christ. Another thread inquired about whether deacons were having difficulty finding...

A Call to Ministry…..(reprise)

In August 2008, just about six weeks after completing my master’s degree in counseling, I began my application for ministry candidacy and was preparing to meet for the first time with the District Board of Ministry.  I was putting together a plan for attending...