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About the Author

Cathy Boyd Byrd invites others to join her in considering topics of interest to those on the Christian spiritual journey…..discipleship, spirituality, mental health, Christian growth, and Bible study. Cathy enjoys working with others as they transition from emotional emergency and brokenness to spiritual emergence and abundant living! Many of the topics about which Cathy writes are interrelated as experienced in her own life and in the lives of those with whom she works in counseling, teaching, and case management, and in friendships. She believes that sharing our journey of Christian growth and spirituality helps us know God and ourselves better and connects us with others!

Cathy is a Christian Educator and Life Recovery Counselor, and an ordained deacon through Christian Leaders Institute. She serves as Community Outreach MInister at Lynn Haven United Methodist Church. She is a student (disciple) of the Holy Spirit and shares with her students (disciples) the things the Lord teaches her through Bible study and contemplation, incorporating experiences interpreted through the Word, cherished traditions of her faith, and reasoning that comes from seeking the mind of Christ in accountable community. She was widowed in August 2020 after 48 years of marriage to Bill Byrd, is mother of 2 and grandmother of 5. Her journey of faith has been lifelong and continues to be an adventure with the trailblazer and guide, Jesus Christ!

Cathy is the founder and program manager for a Christian women’s residential life recovery program, Titus 2 Partnership, Inc.( in Panama City, Florida.

NT Allusions To OT Noted- Article in TGC

𝐊𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐁𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐀𝐥𝐥𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 When I watch Marvel movies with my kids, we’re always on the hunt for Easter eggs, those glaring references or subtle nods to other Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) properties. Some references are so blatantly obvious that viewers can pick up on the connections immediately. Subtle references often require multiple viewings. Easter eggs are the tissue that binds each Marvel movie to the MCU’s larger story. In a similar way, New Testament authors embedded Easter eggs in their writings. They allude to the Old Testament 3,000 to 4,000 times. For example, the book...

On Accountability

“Might it be time to be accountable to who we’ve become so that we can make ourselves accountable to what we can be? Are we willing to divest ourselves of all the lesser things that we have elevated as greater things and engage in both a pointed and painful evaluation of who we’ve become? And once we’ve done that, are we brave enough to look at the damage that we’ve incurred in the becoming?” Craig Lounsbrough, MDiv, LMHC Although the above quotes were saved on 7/16/2021 this reminder is particularly potent today 7/16/2024, as I have been put in a position of holding someone accountable for...

Wise Words

I gave a devo this morning on 2 prayers in the Psalms-88 & 86. I included something a pastor told me several times…"There are 2 prayers God always answers- for wisdom and for salvation." As I reflected on his words this week, it seemed to me that when one has the presence of mind to call out to God for rescue it is because he has already been given the wisdom of God to know he can't live without God! And here today look at a picture from a friend’s posts!! "But only wisdom can save your life…." ( vs. 13) in Ecclesiastes 7 Makes sense to me and I think Jesus' brother James would agree!...

Family Heritage

Add to "Things I Never Knew" …… My paternal great grandmother, (the Carroll family side) who died when my grandmother and her sister were less than 10, was Cherokee Indian. A cousin has done some family geneology and told me today….Great grandpa Carroll remarried in his 30s a much younger woman, still in her teens, if I recall correctly what I knew of him. His second wife was called "Aunt Arrie" by my Dad and his siblings. I met her one time that I can recall when I was about 3-4. I think Grandpa Carroll and Arrie had a son that my Dad's family called "Uncle Roy". He was a veteran who lived...

Dream Insights: Demonic Struggle

7/20/23- I had a very vivid and strange dream early this morning around 2:30.  When I awakened from it I thought about the details for a minute and knew I’d remember them, so I returned to sleep. The Dream I was in bed like I was in an inn or cabin-type guest house.. There seemed to be other cabins not too far away, and kind of all on a hillside. A child was with me, maybe between  10-14 years old…. a daughter? a granddaughter?  (or perhaps my own adolescent self?) I was aware of being my current self and wondering who was trying to get in our room at this late night hour, as...

Boundaries Author Witness

By Dr. Henry Cloud, a co-author of "Boundaries" book we use. "In college, I had fallen into a deep depression, and had turned to God for help. I waited for him to “zap me” with healing, but what he did instead was get me connected to a small group of people who got under my skin, got me to open up and be vulnerable, reveal my hurts and needs, and they connected with me where I was. As I had invested in them, creating deeper connections, I began to get better. I had not known it at the time, but this was the spiritual healing that God was giving me, all while I was waiting on a supernatural...

…To Be Tested

from 6/26/23… When Jesus was baptized at 30 and began his ministry he was led into the wilderness by the Holy Spirit TO BE TESTED. He was choosing to be tested. He intended to prove to satan and himself that he was ready for the challenges ahead. How would we even know about it except that he told someone…. several someone's it appeared…. at least 12! It became part of his witness And his teaching. He tells us that we will be blessed when we encounter such difficulties in a matthew 5; 11 “Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you...

Exploring Multidimensional Mysteries

Beautiful poetic imagery that resonates with my experience of Scripture……. “The Bible is a deep liminal space that opens up a portal to eternity into which we are invited, where the mysteries of multiple dimensions can be explored. It radiates with the Presence of the Lord God with whom I find union and communion.” Thoughts from THE ART OF HOLINESS podcast, hosted by Dr. Carolyn Moore with Dr. Cheryl Bridges Johns

Be Present

“The longer you are called the more you’ll find yourself to be more introvert and not extrovert. You see, God is jealous (Deut. 6:15) with His creation. It’s in the cocoon of preparation that your wings are strengthened to fly not on the accolades of dying man, but by the breath of the almighty. The hibernation of holiness is not produced on the stage exaltation but rather the dark room of spirit confrontation. If we are to hunger and thirst after righteousness then we will have to lose our appetite for our own flesh.” Pat Schatzline, evangelist and author ( from 6/24/18) There are days when...

Beloved Bride

Posted on facebook by Carrie Sears:“The woman at the well in John 4. Who is she? A harlot who goes through men like water? A victim of cruel men who either die or get bored of her? The underlying reasons for those questions are important. But what if we are simply coming to the story with 21st century concerns instead of looking for what the context and its symbols are telling us? What symbols? John 4 comes right after John 3. And what is at the tail end of John 3? John the Baptist talking in symbols: he’s the best man introducing the Great Groom (Christ) who strides forth, coming for his...

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