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You Know When It Is Time to Get Serious

I have lost 30 pounds in the last few months, but it has not been the agony that diets through the years have been. It has been about reorienting my thinking, not so much about the food itself, but about my relationship to food….. what longing I seek to satisfy...

It’s Not Just Sex ….

“A single day in a brothel and red light district can open your eyes to the frightening reality these women encounter. When you look into the eyes of a trafficking victim who has been robbed of her sense of self and self-respect, she will often tell you that you...

Freedom In Christ

Freedom in Christ…..Not freedom FROM,  but freedom TO exercise wisdom and godly choices. The higher responsibility to which grace calls the faithful is the Spirit of the Law, which is much higher than the Letter of the Law. This is what Christ means by saying He...

Freedom In Christ

Freedom……. Yesterday I spent time reviewing a Rokeach Value Survey with a young lady. She arranged its 18 terminal values and 18 instrumental values in prioritized order and we set about exploring what her choices revealed about her understanding of...