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Prodigal Cliff Notes

satan always blinds your mind to the facts and consequences of your circumstances AT THE MOMENT….. Rev. Charles Stanley (sermon on the prodigal son)  living in the moment….. the next step after such a life will always be downward. Wherever you are living...

Wisdom from Dr. Henry Cloud: Enablers

Dr. Henry Cloud writes about addiction, enabling , and conflict. He cites several biblical principles. There’s one glaring one related to not enabling I want to add. Luke 15-19- “….the younger son got together all he had, set off for a distant country and there...

Prodigal Wisdom FromCharles Stanley

satan always blinds your mind to the facts and consequences of your circumstances AT THE MOMENT….. Rev. Charles Stanley (From a January 13, 2019 sermon on the prodigal son) living in the moment….. the next step after such a life will always be downward....

Recovery Wisdom from The Prodigal Son

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              7-9-17   Luke 15: 11-20 The...