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Preparing For Lent In My Home Church

Preparing For Lent In My Home Church

Pastor Craig Carter in his sermon on Sunday used a word I have also come to use in referring to our church campus and all church campuses….”outpost.” As a new year has begun, it and the circumstances of recent weeks have aided in a review of our...

Aging Well

Written in response to the April 12 Seedbed Daily Text on membership in the “elder class:” I am 68. I have a few arthritic joints and my eyesight isn’t the best (but I look forward to when my ophthalmologist tells me my cataracts are...

Words Matter

Words spoken reveal the beliefs of the speaker and influence the beliefs of the hearer. Anytime I hear the cultural iteration of “body, soul, and spirit” spoken by a Christian, I cringe….. like fingernails scratching a chalk board…..1 Thessalonians 5:23 Paul...
Songs In The Heart

Songs In The Heart

I have written before about how frequently I awaken with a song playing in my mind, a hymn for the day, more or less.  I hum or sing it as I arise and go about my day.  On October 19, 2020, that song was a simple little song from my childhood: “A sunbeam, a sunbeam,...