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Adler and Family Systems

Family system therapy from an Adlerian perspective asserts that “human beings are essentially social, purposeful, subjective and interpretive in their approach to life (Sweeney, 1998). These attributes are no accident. They are required at least in part from the...

Comprehending Patterns In Reality

“Comprehension involves our ability to find patterns, consistency, and significance in the events and experiences of our lives.” Mike Steger To have the ability to comprehend the patterns evidenced in one’s life, to observe and embrace the fact that...

Genogram as Community-Building Tool

Over the years I have observed genogram discussion sessions with Dr. Michael Carns, a skilled family and marriage counseling educator and practitioner with over 35 years’ experience, as he invited the Titus 2 students into this tool of self-discovery. A genogram is a...

Forgotten Good

Forgotten Good When I was a young adult, my Mother noted that listening to me one would think I had a really sad childhood. Many of the memories I voiced were about hurts and sadness, not about joys and fun. One thing I have observed is that life recovery students...

Healing Tradition of the Church

The Church has a tradition rich in healing power…..Jesus exercised it in a very specialized way, “laomai”. It is one way in which therapeuo (healing) is accomplished. And healing is a part of salvation (restoration). Saddleback Church is planning its...