I heard a statement recently that resonated so strongly in my spirit, it was as if I were realizing something significant for the first time. It was not actually all that profound….just common sense…..and, indeed, quite biblical. I had just never heard it put so...
I am apparently a safe and quick reference resource for some people who need a ready answer to something they remember from Scripture but may not have a Bible close at hand or may not be adept at use of Bible search applications or concordances. I am happy to fill...
Close friends know about my collection of hands…ceramic, glass, porcelain, wood, etc. It began with a Babbie Mason song from the early ‘90’s, “Trust His Heart” that has this line: “When you can’t trace His hand, trust His heart.”...
John Lomperis, in his Juicy Ecumenism article on Karen Oliveto’s heretical view of Jesus actually included a copy of the text of her message to her Conference. Take a look at how she draws her conclusions about Jesus....
When I began teaching the Bible and biblical principles to adults, I would tell class members that some people approach their faith journey as tourists on a group excursion who trust others to set the agenda, select the sites, and determine the schedule. The only...
Last week when I spoke at First Church of God, I opened with reading Titus, Chapter 2. In that chapter there is instruction not only to older women and men to mentor the younger ones (chronologically or in the faith is how I have always chosen to interpret it), there...