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I’ve come to believe through observing many people that no one gets out of childhood without some scars resulting from the perception that they were not loved the way they wanted to be loved by one or more significant people in their lives…or even from...

Wounded or Broken?

Wounded or Broken?                           by John Coblentz (Gleaned from the June 1998 newsletter of Deeper Life Ministries)   In the Bible we read about a “wounded spirit” and also about a “broken spirit.” In some ways the meaning of...

Widows and Orphans

Two weeks ago I walked into the office at Lynn Haven UMC on Sunday morning as I do most Sundays. I checked my mail box and greeted those who were making their copies of class handouts or taking care of other business. I was assigned to preach in the Chapel at the...

Lambs and broken legs…..

In my job I work with individuals in substance abuse recovery. While in the program they take several classes on spiritual topics from books that are familiar to many – Purpose Driven Life, Crown Financial, Changes that Heal, Boundaries, etc. Several of them are...