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Some things you don’t forget….

Watching someone close to me struggling with a manic episode has brought back vivid memories of the days early in my own psychosis in 1997. After a week of incredibly high emotionality in which I seemed to be having all kinds of insights and understandings, I suddenly...

We’ve a Story to Tell……

It seems to be an early morning of hymns….”We’ve a story to tell to the nations, That shall turn their hearts to the right,A story of truth and mercy, A story of peace and light, A story of peace and light.For the darkness shall trun to dawning, And...

What do you do…..

In the course of my counseling orientation class, I came across this “Voice from the Field” quote in the textbook- Introduction to Counseling (6th edition) (Kottler, Shepard 2008) page 21….”I do different things on different days. On some days...