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Circles of Love

“We were designed for true companionship based on mutual respect, genuine love, and commitment. This requires not only time and selfless devotion but also transparency–which means being real, even about our faults. Taking such a risk requires trust. Such...
Starry, Starry Nights

Starry, Starry Nights

Sweet memories……. ”On the night that I first saw Bill Byrd, I was picked up at my dorm by one of his fraternity brothers and was escorted to a social event on Auburn’s campus for those of us who were candidates for sweetheart of their fraternity. As...

A Plain Account of Perfect Love….

“You should be thoroughly aware of this—the heaven of heavens is love. There is nothing higher in religion; there is, in effect, nothing else; if you look for anything but more love, you are looking wide of the mark, you are getting out of the royal way. And when you...

Love Stuck In Emotion and Behavior

9/26/22 I awakened early and read and listened to the Seedbed Daily Text for today, as I do each morning. Wake-Up Call: This May Be the Most Important Question I Will Ever Ask You So I wrote an email to JD Walt, as I do some days, rather than bore the people on the...

Love Or Holiness

When asked which is more important , God’s love or his holiness, my response is as follows: God’s holiness is a function of His particular kind of love, in my opinion. Even though he loves steadfastly and unequivocally, because he loves, he also...

Godly Love, Not Human Love

Sow LOVE AS DEFINED BY CHRIST, Reap The KINGDOM OF GOD in the earth. In Matthew 22 Jesus gives a concise summary of the Old Testament Law and Prophets in response to the cagey goading of the Pharisees: 34 Hearing that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees, the Pharisees...