In one lesson with students we talk about “oaks” and “cedars”….in this arboreal lesson, Joni Eareckson Tada talks about a persevering evergreen – the Caribbean pines…… “Consider it pure joy, my brothers,...
“What we learn from experience depends on the kind of philosophy we bring to experience.” C. S. Lewis Yesiree, now isn’t that the truth? Sometimes an experience challenges the philosophy one has, based on prior experience, so radically that it...
The tragedy this week of a forgotten infant’s death in a hot car in our community grieves us all. I cannot imagine the pain this family, their friends, and others close to them must be experiencing. To lose a child by any means, at any age is grievous, but to have...
I teach a lot about brokenness, the role of suffering, the human condition, helplessness, etc. In working with women seeking addiction recovery and homeless families, that is a lot of what I see. Helping them find hope again can be challenging. There is no better...
One of the issues we revisit regularly in Depression Impact Group is the matter of suffering- why it is present, how we face it, consecrating it to God for His redemptive work through it, etc. Recently, I was struck with the fact that, in the New Jerusalem, the...
Today a friend in an office I visit regularly was telling me that her grandaughter’s baby died at birth today- a sad event for their family. It was her grandaughter’s first child. Another couple that I know are sitting by their 7 week old...