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Knowing and Being Known

I have sought to avoid rote repetition of prayers, Scriptures, and creeds and desire that my use of such instruments of worship and communion with the Lord would be done with intention and mindfulness. One thing that comes to my attention as I speak the Apostle’s...

Medical Mindset: Evidence of Addiction

I was discussing a chronic issue a woman had developed recently that could have a serious impact on her heart if not corrected. She had been given infusions when the issue first presented, it was so urgent. Then she was prescribed medication for it. I tried to...

Mixed Messages

Fresh take on “convicted felon” branding…..(thanks to Nellie Bowles, paraphrased from The Free Press) Alex Soros, heir to the Soros empire, reportedly funneled money through shell nonprofits to get Alvin Bragg elected to the NY prosecutor position. Alex is so proud of...

God Laughs

As I reflected on how much importance April 1st has had on my life and reading and hearing so many funny April Fool’s Day jokes and pranks yesterday, it occurred to me how apropos this little sign truly is that is sitting on my dining table, not only for my...

Boundaries and Differentiation

The importance of establishing healthy boundaries and a well- developed, positive, values-based self-identity when dealing with dysfunctional family members: “The core of Murray Bowen’s articulation of Family Systems Theory is the concept of differentiation:...

Visit With Mentor

From 3/29/15 my journal: “I had the opportunity to visit briefly with a former mentor who now lives a good distance away. I was giving an update on the Titus 2 ministry and I said that my call is to minister to the “ones” and “twos” and...