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Abiding In Communion

Do not be anxious about anything, for I care for you……. I felt the love of Christ wrap around and embrace me as I took communion last night among my brothers and sisters in Christ. This is the Presence, power, and security of abiding in Him. I felt, too,...

Poem: Stages

Stages Time is moving onward toward some future I can’t see Faster every passing year, or so it seems to me. Hardly a season passes I don’t wonder where it went All the days now lost to me, unremembered how they’re spent. Yet I find no sadness in this fact, That time...

Signs Of Maturing

Io accompanied a friend who needed some assistance to a doctor visit with a female dermatologist this past week. My friend had a few skin lessons that concerned her. The doctor looked them over and treated two with nitrogen in places where clothing irritates them. For...

Reality Check

Written 3/24/17 ….Speaking of “reality”, I had one of those little metal signs in my laundry area that said, “Do not adjust your attitude. The problem is with reality.” It made me laugh and yet, at the same time seemed to express the...

Out Of Control

A line from “Homeland”….between two powerful spy-guys who were former cross-national colleagues and who now find themselves on opposite sides of the international political crevasse and both trying to leverage one another…..”We are both...