If it is the weekend, I’m probably in the kitchen. And I am probably making the same things….chicken salad and pimento cheese….family favorites. It is why I buy so much grated sharp cheddar and so many bags of chicken. Last week for Easter our two oldest...
Sinful conduct separates us from fellowship with Holy God but never from the steadfast love of God. It may also separate us from fellowship with other people even though their love for us continues as well. I’ve seen this over and over in life recovery counseling...
There is more than one kind of death one can experience. There’s physical death. But there’s also psychological/emotional death when one gives up hope and the will to strive for good and simply yields to life as a victim. Then there’s spiritual...
Things I have learned and am required to address regularly: With women in recovery, I find that they have a very “loose” definition of “lie”. Lying by omission appears to never be considered a lie to them. Being presumptuous in willfully...
I visited an estate sale Friday….. just a quick walk through…I saw some pretty sets of china (I confess an attraction to and fondness for china!) ….I was reminded of a friend’s story of having a yard sale in which she was selling some white...
I find it ironic that Facebook regularly sends me messages on the Titus 2 or the Christians Growing Christians notifications page that “you haven’t posted in a while” and inviting me to post and boost posts by paying for reach. Yet, I know quite well...