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God The Disturber

God The Disturber

  Alan Walker was an Australian Methodist pastor and administrator in the 60’s and 70’s, at a time when there was great anxiety over communism and wars and international tensions across the world. Fear of nuclear proliferation was widespread then as it is now. He...
Humanness:  Is It Enough?

Humanness: Is It Enough?

  This TED talk presentation is an interesting perspective on the thinking of the religious “none’s” among us who profess spiritually- diverse, personal, self-defined and free- but disavow religion. This young woman’s experience confirms to a degree what I...
An Immanent Epiphany: Christ Among Us

An Immanent Epiphany: Christ Among Us

Immanent- A characteristic of God revealed as God dwelling in space and time with humanity. A friend of mine shared with me one time that it is not uncommon for God to speak to her in the day to day, as she goes about her tasks at home, like while she’s vacuuming....