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Hi-O, Silver!

Hi-O, Silver!

“It must have been God’s will in my words.” How true it is that God often uses his people to speak to another person. It may be words of admonishment, instruction, or encouragement. I am aware of how often God does it through people in my life. This morning Bill was...

Same Kind of Sinful as Me….

Text message from a young lady in recovery: “Why does satan continue to fight a war with God he has already lost?” Me: “Because he is stubborn and willful……just like us.” God is sovereign. His will is ultimately going to be done....
Titus 2 Ministry Continuing to Grow

Titus 2 Ministry Continuing to Grow

The photo at the top of this post was sent to me by a friend several years ago.   I’ve seen a lot of what people called their own “rock bottom”, but I had never seen one quite like this! This week we celebrate our 4th anniversary of Titus 2’s...