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“Come Unto Me” ….Then…. “Go Ye Into All The World” – The Role of the “Church” or “the church”.

Many times when women come into our program and are required to attend church, they are squeamish.  One had an absolutely horrible panic attack the first time she walked in with me, she said she was afraid she’d be struck dead by God for daring to set foot in a...

Do no harm……..

Greek philosopher Hippocrates has been considered the “Father of Medicine”.  His tenets have been embodied in the oath that new physicians recite upon graduation from education to practice of medicine.  The Hippocratic school lists this as part of its...

Pondering “All Things” …..

One commonly referenced verse is Philippians 4:13  “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”  What are the “all things” that one can do when in close relationship with Christ?  I would suggest that they are the proclamations, prohibitions, promises, and...