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Catching my breath……

This past week ended the spring term of graduate school. I have one remaining course in the final term and the comprehensive exam to take. I feel somewhat like the little train that could….. I think I can, I think I can, I think I can….finish, that is....

Now and again….

I realize that it’s been six weeks since I posted. Graduate school has proven to be more time consuming than I had expected and I have been seriously reconsidering whether the time and effort to blog were worthwhile. A Christianity Today online magazine article...

Imagine a country……

As part of a graduate school course in counseling multicultural populations, I have been reading from an anthology of essays on various aspects of diversity. There is an essay by Holly Sklar, a Knight-Ridder op-ed columnist, entitled “Imagine a Country”...

Compressed semesters…..

I have gotten started in a masters program at a local campus of an out of state university. The semesters are compressed into 9 weeks and the year consists of 5 semesters. It will enable me to complete my desired degree in less that a year and a half. But what a price...

Self awareness…..

Once again a month has passed since I’ve posted here. But this time, I haven’t wanted to post. I’ve had some things going on in my life which have had me preoccupied and……I’ll just say it, angry. I’ve been working out the...