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From My Journal… Remembering

Me: (Mar 20,1997, exclaiming in early morning praise) “Surely, Lord, you have created the beauty of this world for your glory and my delight!” The Lord: (in a rather stunning, but gentle reply) “Tell others.” Me: “What am I to tell? To whom? How? Where? When?” The...

Bruised Reed, Smoldering Wick

(from 9/21/23) Isaiah 42:3 A bruised reed he will not break,and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out.In faithfulness he will bring forth justice; In 1997, someone handed me a small piece of paper with the first part of this verse: “A bruised reed he will not...

Temporal Happiness or Eternal Joy

Encouragement. C.S.Lewis said, “God’s highest agenda is not your immediate happiness. He is much more committed to your eternal joy, your spiritual growth and the condition of your heart. Trust Him even when you can’t feel Him. Believe in Him even...

High Tech Grief

9/12/24 6/24/16…… I journaled:“The Lord is gracious and kind, ever encouraging and comforting. I am so blessed to know and be known by Christ, to have godly friends and a husband who fears and worships the Lord, loves me, and is a co-worker in ministry. I am in the...

New Season

For 17 years I have managed 24/7 residential recovery programs for women, as well as teaching the Word, providing counseling and case management, discipling and mentoring in multiple settings. Titus 2 has wound down the residential component over the last two years,...