Just Another Day’s News

I heard a political commentator talking about this week’s mid-term election results that continue to show just how intractably divided our populace is… Both the House and Senate are razor thin margins, neither party having a clear-cut mandate. She said, ” With the results of this election it appears we will have even less governing and more politicking for the next two years.”  Oh, joy…….

“Seems to me we should aspire to be post-resurrection Peters regarding faith in Christ but Doubting Thomases regarding faith in man’s institutions—which means poking fingers in the sides of both liberals and conservatives.

……Be salt, not sugar. Report sensational facts with understated prose. Don’t suck your thumb: Pound the pavement. Strive for factual accuracy and Biblical objectivity. The heavens declare the glory of God, but the streets declare the sinfulness of man. Believe in a God who tells the truth and wants us to do the same. Don’t scream that the sky is falling: Remember that God holds up the sky.
And for all of us, when crunch time comes, as it always does, here’s the crucial question: Whose applause do I want, man’s or God’s?”- 11/12/2017. Marvin Olasky, World.wng.org