Stranger Danger and Spring Break

Why “no alcohol on beaches” is a good thing during Spring Break…..

from a 3/14/2015 post:

“I heard about a sad account of a young lady assaulted by two guys with intent to rape her yesterday at PCB. Everyone involved was drinking. She got away but was so shaken by the experience that she caught the next flight home, leaving behind those with whom she had ridden. She did not call the police. So many young people come here not realizing that it is not as safe as they think. There are predatory opportunists in the mix. If you’re going to drink stay among “safe”, known people. “Stranger danger” is just as real at 18 as it was at 8. Add the extra risk of being impaired by alcohol and one may find herself in a situation she didn’t anticipate and may not be able to handle. Sad. How many unreported “date rapes” will occur in the next few weeks? .How many will shamefully keep that secret for the rest of their lives because they feel they “asked for it” by their drinking and lack of caution? More, I expect, than we can begin to count.”

A friend replied;

“I don’t think it is sexist to teach young females the pros and cons of our sexualized society, and that even in our civilized world, there are times and places the laws of the jungle are apt to come into force.
And when the use of alcohol is present, and prevalent, the possiblity of some parties succumbing to less than civilized behavior is greatly elevated. The flip side is for society to make more of an effort to also make sure males are aware of their responsibilities of these possibilities, and not to sanction their impulsive and reckless behavior with females and while drinking.”

May all coming this spring be smart and safe.