You Are Not Your DSM Label

Many times on applications to Titus 2 I see mental health diagnoses written. I hear others speak of diagnoses of children, spouses, friends….. I have a masters degree in counseling and psychology and I understand the use of The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition … DSM-5…. and the need of the mental health community to categorize and systemize observed behaviors for diagnosis and treatment. But God has a system and categories, too, for defining his cherished children. While the DSM views individuals through the lens of pathology, of brokenness, of dysfunctional thinking and conduct, God views them through the lens of gifts, graces, purpose and potential. I do not limit individuals based on a DSM diagnosis that comes from a model of deficiency and negativity. I trust the positive and affirming wonderful healing power of God and his love and desire to raise people above whatever label, limitation or liability anyone puts on them. Redemption means that through God In Christ any of us can overcome anything.

I was reminded of this today as I talked with another person and DSM diagnoses came up.

Tonight Bill and I watched the recently released “Overcomer” movie from Affirm films. At the end Hannah observes that “The Creator gets to define his creation.” Only God’s definition of a person matters.

From Jan 10,2020. CBB