“When I Was A Child…”

A child’s thinking: My Mommy (or Daddy or sister or whoever) doesn’t love me (in the self- gratifying way I want to be loved.) Therefore, I must not be good enough….(or smart enough or pretty enough or strong enough or ……. just enough.)

A mature adult’s thinking: I am enough. I am loved by God and can live happily knowing that I am important to God and to those whom God puts in my life for this season and purpose now.

1 Corinthians 13:11
“When I was a child, I used to speak like a child, think like a child, reason like a child; when I became an adult, I did away with childish things.”

Beyond a certain time in life, one needs to turn loose of resentment that life (including her parents, her boyfriends, her best friends, her teachers, employers, and everyone else) has not made her Princess-for-life and deal with the reality that a life career as an entitled Princess is a fantasy. Those who continue to cling to that fantasy do not want to be loved or even to grow up and know what real love is.. They want to be worshipped, catered to, indulged, and avoid the hard work of being who they were created to be.

1/10/2019. CBB