Dreams of Heaven

A young discipleship student with a lot of prior history of trauma and PTSD calls me frequently to discuss her dreams and seek help in gleaning the meaning that lies in them. Her dreams were, when we first met, nightmares of snarling, foreboding demons and feelings of being snatched from her bed, but that was months ago. Her dreams now are affirming and point her to a life of “hope and a future.” Today she called:

her: “Last night I dreamed I went to heaven…. What does that mean?”

My reply:
How did it make you feel?

Her: “ Good!”

Me: I think it means you are learning how to live the Lord’s Prayer that Jesus shared with his disciples ….”Thy kingdom come (in me), Thy will be done (through me) on earth as it is in heaven!” You are learning to incarnate the life of Christ within you through the power of the Holy Spirit so that you may live in the eternal realm here and now, everyday! It shows us that believers in Jesus can live the joy and beauty and Presence of God right here, right now, not just in our dreams or after we die, but when we are awake, as well. Does that sound like what God might be showing you?

Her: It does!

Me: ❤️ I love how God speaks to you in your dreams!

Her: Me, too!             (Journal note from 8/23/2021)