“Flights of Fancy” Dreams of Change

Dream Experience recorded 9/12/2020:

“Strangest dream ever! Somehow I was selected for an ultra, super-duper spa day in Philadelphia. Made to believe it was very exclusive and one was special to be chosen to do it. I had to go to an interview for it. When I was selected I had two days to get there and had to make a plane reservation. I was hurrying around trying to get DELTA online and I stopped and thought to myself…..”What in the world am I DOING??? What good is a spa day if I can’t get there??? If this was legit, they’d provide the transportation or at least give you time to get arrangements made to get there. This must be just for people with private jets. That is DEFINITELY not for me!” And I woke up.

It was a kind of funny, kind of frustrating, kind of a “bring it back to earth” reality check dream. Maybe I just need a mental health “ME day” all to myself in my personal sanctuary on Deerpoint Lake. Ha ha!

Starting the day feeling like it’s going to be a weird one. Lord, you have got this. Off we go!.”

A friend observed from her own dream experiences: “I check out my real-life, daytime feelings looking for a situation that produced the same feelings as my dream. Has never failed to trace something..”

This dream occurred about a month after Bill had died….. I think it was a call to look at what seemed like opportunities and discern if it was really something I even wanted! It was not too long after that dream … a few weeks ….. that I began to feel some discontent about staying in the lake house. I had always thought that I’d be there the rest of my life, no matter what. Ever so often one has to stop and do a reality check about what is actually worth pursuing or continuing…

I did find it interesting the degree to which Delta was so much a part of this dream, since Delta, represented by a triangle, is the scientific notation for “change”. 🔼. Probably the last 6 years when I’ve had to fly it’s been Southwest…. So Delta rarely comes to mind. So when Delta popped up in the dream, as I reflected on it, the connection to a change coming seemed logical. When I was a child and even through my young adulthood I had dreams of flying, but not in a plane…. just running and taking off into the sky and with great effort I would fly above the trees with a bird’s eye view of the landscape beneath.  The dreams always seemed to precede a significant change in my life. The other odd thing about it was that I was invited to a very swanky makeover….. But when the constraints of time and logistics became obviously unrealistic, I realized it was not practical or worth all the haste and demands.

Only now, two years later” I’m realizing God was indeed preparing me for not just the change of residence but changes in ministry, family relationships and so much more!!! This was way too much for me to relate to in the context of my simple childhood “flights of fancy”  dream experiences! So God enlarged the images more in line with my adult experiences. He certainly got my attention.